And why? Well, I don't have much time now but I'm a bit sick today (so I doesn't see much of a point in studying as I probably wouldn't remebrer much fromit anyway :/). At least, I hope reliving one of the most amazing evenings ever will make me feel better (plus I feel after-gig-depressed a bit).
I don't know where to start even. All I can think of it's how PERFECT it was. So, if anyone reads that, excuse me for writing it in such a messy way and without order.
Ok, I had been counting months (and days and hours) to the gig, I was so nervous ANYTHING would go wrong. Simply, I could not believe I would be so lucky to see Mike perform... I thanked him in person for coming to the Czech Republic, however I can't even put into words how much it meant to me (hate myself for sounding so cheesy). Just imagine listening to your favourite singer for a while
I wish I could say I knew him before Let her Go happened- but nooo :/ Often, I try to remember the time when I first heard him and when I though- he's so f***ing speacial. I guess it was just freakishly amazing coincidence, I think (not sure though) I was in the last year of high school (now I'm second year student of uni)- the year of graduation, everything around me was crazy, I was just unable to find balance, I was listening to Ed Sheeran a lot, I was listening to '+' and then I was looking for his older tunes on YT and that's how, I think, it happened, in side panel of YouTube there must have been Let Her Go (the video came out in July 2012- so probably my assumption is right)... From this moment I remember it quite well, I think I have already written it somewhere on this blog. I think it's quite funny!!! Most of fans of Passenger know him because of Let Her Go, I opened the video for it but did NOT play it... Not sure why.. instead I saw there a video with another Passenger's song 'Walking in the Rain'. I thought it was quite different from what I normally listened to (I was right! :D) and then listened to what I though at that time was a first CD 'All The Littler Lights', I was rockin it loads!!! I quite don't remember when this listening and liking his music transform into, how to call it, feeling happy just by hearing a mention of Passenger. I was a bit afraid to look for his older cds (when I found out there were ones) but it turned out as a nonesense. I don't think myself as a crazy fan, I just like what I like, I know I don't have to like EVERYTHING about my favourite singer (/band or whatevs) but with Passenger... I don't know how to put it... I certainly don't wanna sound like a loser without life (as I don't think that's true! haha) but Passenger makes such an important part of my life... He (his music) helped my in many situations (life sucks sometimes, right?) - that + when feeling happy it's just a perfect music to listen to. SERIOUSLY, there's not a SINGLE song written by Passenger, I would say 'Nah, it's a s***' (Okay, prepare for the cheesyness again- it's a word, right?) His music is honest and fills your soul. I believe him every word... And his personality... He could actually behave like an idiot (He's so amazing) but chooses not to. I can' believe how nice he is. I love interviews with Passenger I can't even... I love Passenger's fandom, I seriously don't think you would find a better one. And the way Passenger achieved all this... My hearts melting, he deserves everything amazing. I look up to him so much! He must be so tired, he's been giging almost nonstop... Ok, let's get back to Prague
I came to wait in front the club (Sasazu in Prague) a bit earlier- there were only 3 girls already waiting. I DID not expected to meet Mike in person at all (yeah, I was hoping I'd meet him sometime after the gig) therefore I almost got a heartattack when he was passing us! ithout thinking, I stopped him and gave him my present and asked him if there's gonna be an opportunity to meet him. he suggested we could take the photo now! (So hell yeah, I have a photo with Passenger!!!!) And he also signed me 'Whispers' cd... It was unbelievable, like a dream (I can't even remember what said to him, I must have been akward but who cares- I don't, he was so nice). And as I was standing in the queue, Geraldine and Andrew (from The Once 'course) passed by me! I said just a simple 'hi' (they replied- sorry for sounding so childlish haha)- even that made me nervous :D
I had a meet up with a friend of mine (we know each other thanx to Passenger- because of him) and inside met another fan who also very cool.
I though how I would describe every f***ing second of this kickASS gig but I can't... It was such a wonderful experience, loved every second of it but, i guess, I am not able to put this perfection in words (it would lose its beauty and it would just a boring narration of the event which I don't want to...)
The Once... ♥
Passenger... ♥
(this is quite accurate- the description above :D)
I did not take many photos nor videos... I was amazed... I didn't want to ruin the moment. Well, anyway, i'm enclosing a few photos of mine and video, video from YT, Czech reviews (All of the were more than positive- which I'm so excited about!!!)
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The Once and Passenger about Prague on Twitter |
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Passenger about Prague (Hope he liked it here) |
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Merch |
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Setlist (I found it on freaking floor!!! What, what?) |
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The Once |
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Passenger |
The lovely reviews (with photos- so you can look):
The ONLY thing that made me sad was that Stu Larsen wasn't there :/ (Lucky America)
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